When You Hit Sixteen

The Teenage Years
Everyone says teenage life is a massive jackpot, a great gift but no one talks about the mental issues, problems, and changes that take place in their lives when they hit sixteen. My write-up is about the crucial problems that teenagers face, according to my experiences in my college days.
When You Hit Sixteen
Sweet Sixteen, as they say, is the most crucial of our teenage years as it is the age of fantasies and aspirations. This is the age when we strive to do something differently. The age when our visions take their first flight.
We might remember how much our thoughts and perceptions changed back then; of course depending upon a lot of factors like environment and education. Suddenly we are made conscious about a lot of stuff. The already grown-up perceptions and the certain beauty standards that one should follow. One wishes to retain the materialistic things, expecting more and craving special treatment.
Films and dramas illustrate teenage life as this blissful, enchanting period of life, full of fun. They tell us to live like ‘there’s no tomorrow’, making it appear so colorful and like a one-time opportunity. But there is another aspect of a teenagers’ life that no one wants to confront.
The Dark Side Of A Teenager Life
Mental Health Problems
You may have known many folks who used to speak a lot in their childhood but started speaking less and less, as they grew older. This is largely due to the change in mindsets and many thoughts circling in our minds.
The belief of not being good enough, comparing grades with your peers, struggling to be perfect or trying to fit in and always wanting people to give you special treatment.
We develop the fear of missing out (FOMO) and fear of expressing our thoughts because of judgments. We seek validation and try to meet the beauty and lifestyle standards of society.
The way we think, speak and behave changes everything.
As a teenager I was so insecure. I was the type of guy that never fitted in because he never dared to choose. I was convinced I had absolutely no talent at all. For nothing. And that thought took away all my ambition too.
Johnny Depp
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Temptation Towards Bad Habits
When thinking of teenage years, I am reminded of the very apt quotation: ”Know The Difference Between Enjoying Your Youth and Destroying Your Future.”
Many students who once scored really high in their school tests are now unable to even graduate from college. There are multiple factors that could be responsible for such an outcome, such as addiction to drugs or alcohol, excessive partying or even getting cooped up in one’s room. They are more attracted to nasty things and bad company because of changes in hormones at that age.
As humans we should be able to manage our health and duties. Prioritization is the one key skill we should all learn, balancing academics and entertainment.
More Introspection:
Social Media- A boon or a Curse?
These days even small children have got a phone in their hands, and their parents are allowing it because they’re either busy or simply use it as a means of distraction. Teenagers are probably facing the worst possible scenario at this point. Mobile phones and internet has taken over most of our life, so much so that they can’t focus on anything else. Watching and scrolling through an endless feed of people’s reels and stories causes anxiety and depression, and is also one of the major reasons for children losing a grip on reality.
In addition, they become accustomed to consuming short forms of content like Instagram Reels or YouTube Shorts or Tweets, throughout the day. This affects their ability to focus, when given long drawn tasks or activities that include reading long paragraphs.
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The Peer Pressure To Settle Faster
Schools never teach us about jobs or how to secure one, we are practically sent out ignorant into this battlefield. Everybody is running around, trying to find the right thing to do, failing, and then settling for whatever comes their way. When we enter college we are bombarded with these expectations to get a good job, and people tell us that unless we secure good grades, there’s practically no future ahead.
Society expects the same thing. Even our parents want us to get a good job. So, there will be this pressure on us to get better marks. Because of these kind of pressures, some are even taking their lives; by mistakenly equating marks and grades or a job with their whole life.
Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.
Roy T. Bennett
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Judgements From Society
Society is judgmental. Most teenage girls are judged by what they wear or how they look. Fat-shaming, body-shaming, sexist remarks, they have become a part of our everyday lives. Be it online or in person. If you embark to do something different from others, you will get judged.
Especially if they find you talking to the opposite gender, you’ll be given a series of tags and names. Your walking style, hairstyle, clothes, academics, the way you speak everything is dissected by society. Ignoring everything is the best thing to do instead of just answering back to every person.
What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.
Friedrich Nietzsche
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Fake People
As a teenager, one might meet a lot of people. Some look rather friendly but it doesn’t hurt to stay wary. These so called friends might just be talking behind your back, trying to take you down.
It is important to choose the right friends circle. Your company decides your future. Surround yourself with people who encourage and support you in your hardships.
Actions and decisions taken in our 20s make up our 80s.
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Navigating the Teenage Years
Whether we are in our teenage years or otherwise, we should use our time wisely, upskilling from time to time, keeping great company around us, lessening mobile usage, spending time with family, resisting bad habits, and adding value to society through our actions and decisions.
Be a role model to future generations. Be confident in yourself. Inspire, explore and live your life to the fullest.

About The Author
N. Venkata Sai Keerthana was born and brought up in Andhra Pradesh in an orthodox family. She is a CA and CMA aspirant and a writer by passion.
She aims to bring change and inspire others through her words. She loves exploring new things and wants to make her parents and younger brother delighted.
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