Mindfulness and Me

Mindfulness And Me

Mindfulness and Me – Made for Each Other!

Have you ever felt as if you got derailed from your path? If you were planning to study and ended up playing with your phone? Then let me take you through what it takes to becoming mindful – Mindfulness and Me – made for each other!

What is Mindfulness and being Mindful?

Mindfulness is basically focusing on the present and being fully aware of the task you are doing now. Let’s take an example of playing Ludo. Being mindful here would be enjoying the task of playing Ludo and not daydream about playing basketball outside!

Mindful people are more successful in the race of life. This is because they make use of “NOW” effectively.

Present is a Present – is the mantra here. If we can cherish the present, the future is designed.

In our busy lifestyle, we sometimes forget that the near future we get tensed up for, becomes the present sooner than later. So, why not live in the present from this moment?

The Epiphany to attain Mindfulness

For those googling up this word, Epiphany means a realization that can change a person’s life to a great extent.

Mindfulness is an art, well-known to us since our childhood. It takes a backseat and gets hidden inside us, as we grow. A child in the playground thinks about meeting friends and about playing. Children don’t think about doing homework while having fun! And that is it, being fully indulged in what you are doing now is the ideal way of being Mindful.

Now, most importantly, Why Epiphany?

The thing we are going to realize here is knowing that mindfulness is concealed or hidden but not LOST. This realization will become a “Life-Changing” one if we are able to showcase Mindfulness in our lives day-by-day.

The future is purchased by the present

Samuel Johnson

If you were to buy a tool for calling people, would you buy a battery or a charger? No, you would have bought the whole phone, right? The same reasoning goes for our future and present. The above quote explains in itself the importance of being actually present in our present and presenting ourselves! (A real Tongue Twister with a deep meaning!)

At the harbor, A story on mindfulness …

The ships are passing by, the water’s dancing on because we are here at the harbor for a story to relate Mindfulness with!

Karen woke up from her deep sleep. She saw the sun shining brightly. It seemed like an orange. The sky was as blue as the bluebird. She was at the harbor, saw the ships set sail. But something was really awkward. Karen couldn’t remember anything about how she ended up here.

“Extraordinary affair! I can’t remember anything except my name. Guess I’ll have to deal with this memory loss forever now” said Karen. She didn’t panic. Instead there was a twinkle in her eyes, she felt as if she was reborn and could now turn over a new leaf, leave everything behind. Even though she had no place to go to, she found her home in the harbor and planned to spend her life along the ships.

Mindfulness and Past Memories

The story of Karen would have ended here if she didn’t hear the voice coming from behind her. The voice echoed. It asked, “How can you go on like that when you don’t remember anything? How can you be so relaxed even after this problem?”

Karen smiled and replied, “After losing my memories, I don’t remember anything about the already gone past. As I am unaware about my own past, I won’t have to mourn or cry about the bad happenings of the same. If I don’t remember the ‘Tragedies’ (the bad moments) of past, they won’t be able to affect my present. As for any happy moments, we humans are blessed with this art to make more of them day by day so instead of sighing over it, I had rather make the people I meet happy and walk on this path!”

Mindfulness and the Future

The voice didn’t stop, it asked, “What about your future? To me your future looks hazy and blur.”

Karen laughed and said, “You answered it yourself! The future is indeed hazy! No one knows what sort of happiness or sadness the future will bring. Wasting your present for the future is worthless. If you can make the best out of your present, your future is already designed and embellished with pearls!”

If I can successfully retrieve the hidden art of mindfulness by losing my memory, it is in fact a blessing for me! All I have to do is open the door to it!

Don’t fret over the past or get all tensed for the future. Learn to live in the moment!

Editor’s Note – Mindfulness and Me

If you liked this account of ‘Mindfulness and Me’, continue with your journey of staying in the present. Learn to make the most of this moment and read about how action helps to avoid confusion and how to deal with adversity. And once you have set the ball rolling, let uncertainty ignite creativity and don’t lose your momentum.

You may also want to read the other write-ups by Gauri Wadehra – Reality In Virtuality that discusses hacks for students to make virtual school more fun and Vanity Of A Stone’ a metaphorical poem about the effects of haughtiness.

Gauri - From The Experts Mouth
Gauri Wadehra

About The Author

Gauri Wadehra is an aspiring poet who enjoys writing to express herself. She is a keen learner and gives her best to everything she devotes herself to.

Gauri is a passionate speaker and loves to participate in MUNs. She dedicates her free time to reading, singing, basketball and playing musical instruments.

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  1. You are a wonderful writer!! Amazing article!! Look forward to more of them in the future 😀

  2. Great article! Choosing to live in the past or the future not only robs you of enjoyment today, but it also robs you of truly living.

    1. Exactly Nitin! Glad you could get the message and found it exciting to read! Thanks!

  3. Good work Gauri !! Very useful and relevant for everyone.

    1. Thanks a ton Akriti!!! Glad you liked it! Hope to see you write too ! 🙂

  4. Very well written! Indeed, mindfulness has the power to transform our lives.