The FTEM Success Story – So Far…
We have had a fascinating FTEM success story so far, ever since the soft launch in November 2020. Our authors have touched a lot of lives in myriad ways with their insights and experiences. We are humbled to receive kind words of appreciation from most of our authors as well. Most importantly, FTEM’s purpose and the approach has resonated very well with our readers and this has resulted in significant engagement with our content. While we can’t measure and report the total impact our platform has had on the lives of people, the anecdotal evidence is certainly very satisfying.
Currently FTEM is read across over 160 countries with authors spread across 5 continents. Our community involves people from all walks of life sharing their invaluable insights, experiences, knowledge and visionary thoughts with the world.
The quality of content and the engagement is also reflected in a majority of our articles appearing as the 1st rank or at least on the 1st page of Google Search, typically ahead of millions of other search results. Google search for various terms also shows extracts from several of our articles as ‘Featured Snippets’, signaling the value of our content to the world. Here are some examples of the FTEM Success Story.
Examples of the FTEM Success Story – Featured Snippets
Year In Review
By Rajiv Maheshwari
Lessons from Year In Review for the New Normal

Google’s Featured Snippet painstakingly compiles key lessons from each of the 20 posts from the much acclaimed Year In Review 2020 series. There is something in it for everyone, which is why this post is featuring ahead of billions of other search results.
Check out the master post of the Year in Review series.
Perception and Reality
By Tanvee Maheshwari
What is Perception and Reality?

A Google Search on what is perception and reality from experts features one of the most popular articles on From The Experts’ Mouth. This article by Tanvee Maheshwari demystifies perception and explores the interlinkage between perception and reality.
If you are curious, check out the relationship between perception and reality.
Journey Through MUNs
By Devishi Aggarwal
My Journey through MUNs

A Google Search on Journey through MUNs returns excerpts from the article on “My journey through MUNs” by Devishi Aggarwal as a Featured Snippet.
Check out the detailed account of her highs and lows during her journey though MUNs, as she represented different countries and learnt about various international issues while participating in the Model United Nations.
Elixir Of Excellence
Welcome to FTEM
From The Experts’ Mouth – Elixir of Excellence

A Google Search on Elixir of Excellence from experts features our core mission on the Welcome to FTEM page. The user is guided to our formula of creating a magic potion of expertise drawn from multi-disciplinary fields.
Let us create a unique legacy with a warm welcome to FTEM.
Expert Hacks For MBA
By Ayan Sen
Life Hacks for MBA

What are the Do’s and Don’ts for life during MBA? Ayan Sen covers life hacks that hold you in good stead, not just during MBA, but also otherwise in life. Check out these life hacks, irrespective of your domain and the stage of your career.
The Feynman Technique
By Yatharth Soni
Feynman Technique – 4 Steps to Learning

A practical guide on tips for learning anything quickly, easily and permanently using the famous Feynman Technique. Google’s Featured Snippet summarizes the 4 steps. But, you know what you need to do to enhance your learning quotient. Click on to read about the Feynman Technique to turbocharge your learning.
Action Is The Prescription To Overcome Confusion
By Crispy Maheshwari
How to Overcome Confusion

Google’s Featured Snippets does a great job of summarizing the essence of this detailed prescription to take action and overcome confusion. If only, we got such pinpointed advice, when facing a dilemma. Actually, we do. Check out the recipe for overcoming confusion.
Locus Of Control
By Rajiv Maheshwari
Locus of Control – Internal or External?

Introspection and awareness of one’s Locus of Control can lead to miraculous self-discovery. So, what is internal Locus of Control and how can it help you? Google’s Featured Snippet is a good starting point. And, you can follow the lead and take control of your destiny by reading about Internal Locus of Control.
Benefits Of Art
By Artist Manju Jain
Benefits of Art as a tool to deal with stress and anxiety

Ever thought of the multitude of benefits of art? Google’s Featured Snippets from our article on Benefits of Art highlight it’s ability to lower cortisol, the primary stress hormone in the body. For details of many more benefits, check out this article by artist Manju Jain on Benefits of Art and bid adieu to stress!
Framework To Share Useful Content
By Crispy Maheshwari
Examples of framework to share useful content

We cited 10 examples of content formats and how you could share it with your own perspective. These useful tips became part of Google’s Featured Snippets. Add value to your network with these practical examples of sharing useful content.
Power of Curiosity
By Saptak Pandya
Experience at International Conferences

From The Experts’ Mouth is powered by curiosity and we witness yet another example of this power. Saptak Pandya’s article on his experiences at international conferences, such as HPAIR (Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations), appears as Featured Snippet on Google Search.
Check out this article on the Power of Curiosity and ensure that you make the best use of our QYOUrious community.
How to Create Abundance – Gift of Time
By Rohini Rathour
Using the Gift of Time

How can we create abundance using the gift of time?This article by Rohini Rathour appears as Featured Snippet on Google while searching for ‘gift of time abundance’ and similar combinations.
If this has spiked your curiosity, do read this article on using the Gift of Time to create Abundance. You can also listen to the narration of the article by the author, Rohini Rathour.
Uttishtha ’21
FTEM – Digital Media Partner
About Uttishtha ’21

From The Experts’ Mouth was the Digital Media Partner to Uttishta ’21 – the annual entrepreneurship fest at IIM Kashipur. Excerpts from our note are appearing as Featured Snippet in a Google Search for About Uttishtha ’21. A query on the events planned at the fest also highlight the various events from our article as Featured Snippets. Not to be left behind, a search for the digital media partner of the event, announces our name in the Featured Snippet, completing a hattrick of featured snippets in our introductory note on Uttishtha ’21.
Customer Experience During 2020
By Rajiv Maheshwari
Top factors driving Customer experience or CX

How to re-design and re-imagine your CX (Customer Experience) strategy in the New Normal? If Google features snippets from this article, which has four ads also vying for your attention, aren’t you QYOUrious? Read about how to design a delightful Customer Experience for the New Normal.
Circle Of Kindness
By Steve Donofrio
Receive Kindness with Humility and Gratitude

There is a ton of content out there extolling the virtues of giving. But, what about receiving kindness with gratitude? And, what do we need to do to complete the circle of kindness? In a bid to answer these questions, Google shows few Featured Snippets from this article in it’s Search results. Watch Steve Donofrio share his mantra of completing the circle of kindness by receiving kindness with gratitude and humility.
Uncertainty Should Ignite Creativity And Not Complacency
By Tanvee Maheshwari
Creativity over Complacency in the wake of Uncertainty

In these times, it has become cliched to say that uncertainty is the only certainty. More importantly, how do we ignite creativity in uncertain times? And, how do we tide over complacency? Every dark cloud has a silver lining and Google’s Featured Snippet extracts from this article to provide some creative insights. You can read about why uncertainty should ignite creativity and how to unleash your creative genius.
How To Create Abundance
By Rohini Rathour
Busting Myths Around Money

The myths around money and abundance busted by Rohini Rathour appear as a Featured Snippet on Google. These lessons are invaluable and are the first step in your journey to create Abundance.
You can read the insights at How to Create Abundance.
Steve Jobs’ Famous Speech
By Rajiv Maheshwari
Three Stories and the New Normal

What is the relevance of the three stories in Steve Jobs’ famous speech to the New Normal? The commencement address at Stanford University, as revisited by Rajiv Maheshwari appears as a Featured Snippet on Google. These lessons from Steve Jobs are evergreen and apply even more in the New Normal.
You can read the article at Steve Jobs’ Famous Speech and the New Normal.
Living Life On Your Own Terms
By Sonal Chhibber
How to live life on own terms

Be rebellious but not revolutionary. Be authentic and be who you truly are, this is the ultimate way of living. Don’t follow others. Don’t live in the past or future but live in the now, in the present. Realize your self-worth. Check out these thoughts and more inspirational content to help you live your life on your own terms.
Entrepreneurship Summit
By Devishi Aggarwal
Summit to help start-ups

Devishi Aggarwal, an author at From The Experts’ Mouth, had attended Uttishtha ’21 – the Entrepreneurship Summit of IIM Kashipur, where our platform was the Digital Media Partner.
Her article recounting her experiences at this event appear as a Featured Snippet on Google Search for a few search terms, including “summit to help startups“.
Read more about Devishi’s experiences at Uttishtha ’21 -an Entrepreneurship Summit to help startups.
Vegan Makeup and Cosmetics
By Chhavi Aggarwal
Why should women use vegan makeup and cosmetics?

Vegan makeup and cosmetics serves multiple purposes. Chhavi Aggarwal describes her journey and explains why women should use vegan makeup and cosmetics. While searching for experts on this subject, Google returns excerpts from this article as a Featured Snippet.
Read more about Chhavi’s journey of getting into the animal cruelty free business of vegan makeup and cosmetics in the article.
Citizen Developer
By Rajiv Maheshwari
Citizen Developer – Experts Mouth
Citizen development is the need of the hour. On the one hand, the pandemic needed the world to adopt digitalization aggressively. On the other hand, implementing IT projects remotely is a challenge. You can read more about how citizen developers came to the rescue, as part of the Year in Review series.

Google Algorithm Updates
By Bhavya Mehta
Google Updates that revolutionized SEO

What are the 3 Google Updates that revolutionized SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? An article explaining these updates, by Bhavya Mehta, appears as Featured Snippet on Google Search!
Read more about the Google Updates in an article that is featured by Google itself on it’s search engine for updates that revolutionized SEO.
Mindfulness and Me
By Gauri Wadehra
What is the epiphany to attain mindfulness?

What is mindfulness and how does one realize how to achieve a mindful state? Gen Z author, Gauri Wadehra, explains what is the epiphany to attain mindfulness. And, as promised, a Google search produces this article as a Featured Snippet.
If this brings about a realization, you can read more about Mindfulness in the article.
Wrath of Mother Earth
By Tanvee Maheshwari
Poem and Thoughts on Earth Day 2021

This poem on Wrath of Mother Earth, by Tanvee Maheshwari, was published on World Earth Day 2021. The poem and thoughts appear as featured snippets on Google on querying for “what is wrath of Mother Earth”. Another featured snippet highlights excerpts from this post on querying for the writer of wrath of mother earth.
Read the poem and thoughts on the impending wrath of Mother Earth and be inspired to do your bit for the environment.
Louie Voice Control
Creator: Pramit Bhargava
Pramit Bhargava – Louie Voice Control
The name of Pramit Bhargava is synonymous with Louie Voice Control. This is the app that Pramit, an IIT-IIM alumni, has created for helping the visually impaired. You can read both parts of his story – about how he took control of his life after being visually impaired and also about the business management lessons that we can learn from his experience of running Louie Voice Control. When you want to help people, the universe conspires and so did Bing, by showing this article as a Featured Snippet upon searching for ‘Pramit Bhargava‘.

Purposeful Service
Purposeful Service
By Namita Barik
What is the Endless Chase of Life?

In this article, Namita Barik, explains the concept of Purposeful Service. On searching for “What is the endless chase of life?”, Google returns excerpts from this article as a Featured Snippet.
Check out Namita’s article to learn how to end the endless chase of your life.
How To Avoid Crisis
By Amede Achingale
Business Lessons From The Pandemic

The business lessons from the pandemic learnt by Amede Achingale appear as a Featured Snippet on Google. These lessons are invaluable, in both good and not so good times. You can read the expert insights at How to Avoid Crisis in Business.
Dealing With Adversity
By Rohini Rathour
7 Steps to Dealing With Adversity
We are living through unprecedented times. But, how do we deal with the external circumstances? Rohini Rathour outlines the 7 steps to dealing with adversity and has also narrated the article in her voice. Check out this article that became the Featured Snippet on Bing for “How to deal with adversity“.

Art Therapy
By Manju Jain
Art Therapy and the story of The Last Leaf

What is art therapy and what are it’s benefits? Artist Manju Jain draws upon O’ Henry’s story about The Last Leaf to illustrate the point. And, a search for art therapy and the last leaf produces a summary of the story from this article as a Featured Snippet.
Read about this touching story and other benefits of Art Therapy in this article.
SHE – Resisting Temptation
By Shimona Shriya
Who wrote this Poem?

We have several poems published on our platform. On searching for who wrote the poem, Google search typically returns a featured snippet from the post. In this case, a search for who wrote she resisting temptation returns excerpts from Shimona Shriya’s profile published along with her poem as a Featured Snippet.
You can read this poem about the game changer moments in resisting temptation by Shimona Shriya.
Vanity Of A Stone
By Gauri Wadehra
A Poem by Gauri Wadehra

The poem on Vanity of a Stone by Gauri Wadehra appears as a Featured Snippet on Google for multiple terms. A search for note on vanity of a stone illustrates the Vanity of a Stone, using the stone as a metaphor.
A Pitstop Year
By Rajiv Maheshwari
Pitstop Year – the metaphor, the acronym and the components

The pitstop from the F1 races is the stuff that dream metaphors are made up of. And, the author tops it up with an acronym to boot. No wonder, Google highlights it’s components as a Featured Snippet. Prepare to race ahead even during tough times by reading about the pitstop mindset.
From The Experts’ Mouth
What is QYOUrious?

We welcome you to join the QYOUrious Community at From The Experts’ Mouth. Are you curious about this word that we have coined? So, was Google. In fact, a search for “What is QYOUrious” returns a Featured Snippet on Google search. Read more about what QYOUrious is all about and it’s benefits.
In case you have not yet signed up, you are just 10 seconds away. Sign up to become a member of the community, for free.
3C’s Of Delegation
By Rajiv Baheti
What are the 3 C’s of Delegation and How not to delegate?

Delegation is an art and achieving the perfect balance is nothing short of a Catch 22 situation. In this Featured Snippet, Google highlights the key elements that need to be kept in mind for effective delegation. Read more about the 3 C’s of delegation in the article.