The Wrath of Mother Earth

The Wrath Of Mother Earth, a poem by Tanvee Maheshwari on FTEM

The Wrath Of Mother Earth, a poem on Earth Day by Tanvee Maheshwari

Lush green forests,
Lakes and rivers blue.
The birds chirp in chorus,
In the sky's azure hues.

Shades of vivid cerise, 
In the florets among the foliage.
The sunlight hits the leaves,
As the veil of thundery clouds roll in.

At the confluence of winds,
Over the colossally extensive ocean,
The hapless trees clings,
As it frets for the upcoming implosion.

The earth rages and quivers,
And the bands of storm clouds gyrate.
The cyclone soon triggers,
As torrential rains and storm tides generate.

As the waves break and hit the shore,
The phenomenal seas inflict a heavy toll.
Deadly rip currents plummet and soar,
And the littoral land is engulfed in whole.

The people run about in panic and terror,
As mother nature extracts her vengeance.
They beg forgiveness for their errors,
As they wallow in their repentance.

But mother nature has had enough,
She prepares for pain and gloom.
Her wrath and fury thus erupts,
And the people are fated for doom. 

The Gift of Mother Nature

It is common knowledge that we have been so generously gifted with mother nature and its precious resources. Its biodiversity forms the very foundation of our civilization, society, economy, living systems and in fact our very existence. Everything we need to survive and sustain ourselves comes from mother nature– land, water, air, sunlight, soil, minerals, food, etc. If we disturb the balance of the ecosystem, we will have to deal with the consequences, which may even include the extinction of the human race.

The great Russian author Leo Tolstoy said:

One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.

Leo Tolstoy

The Impending Wrath of Mother Earth

In school, we were all taught about climate change and global warming. We were warned about the larger impact of our careless actions, and yet we continue to carry on, indifferent to the harm we are doing to the gift of Mother Nature. We over-exploit and misuse our resources, and take them for granted.

While we may be able to get away with it for now, the damage we are doing is irrevocable. Not too long a time from now, we will have finished all of our resources, polluted our water bodies and destroyed the planet to such an extent that it will become uninhabitable. The future generations of kids will never know the blessing that Mother Earth has endowed us with.

The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.

Gaylord Nelson

If we don’t take action right now, we will be responsible for our own demise. There will come a time when the environment won’t be able to take any more, and natural disasters will wipe us all out.

Let’s make a change this Earth Day

However, we still have a chance to turn things around and there is no better occasion for this than Earth Day. We can still make a difference if we decide to actively make an effort to repair the damages we have done. Let us unite as members of a global community and do something.

Let us refrain from provoking the wrath of Mother Earth and together save the environment!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

Editor’s Note:

You may also want to read about how Uncertainty Should Ignite Creativity and Not Complacency, how to use perception to create a platform for innovation and fuel evolution and also about about how “we can use Affirmations to boost self-esteem, build up confidence, and create a more fulfilling and rapturous life for our self, day by day” by Tanvee Maheshwari.

Watch The Wrath of Mother Earth

Check out the video version of this poem on the Wrath of Mother Earth on YouTube and do subscribe to the channel

Tanvee Maheshwari - From The Experts Mouth
Tanvee Maheshwari

About Tanvee Maheshwari

As a create-a-preneur, Tanvee Maheshwari is passionate about creating and sharing knowledge that helps people align with their innate potential.

She enjoys learning and honing her skills across diverse domains, including Psychology, Public Speaking and Entrepreneurship. She is also a budding Voice Over Artist and Content Creator.

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  1. Very beautiful described the truth that we are ignoring for so long… Let’s live more consciously and environmental friendly. Grt writing tanvee.

  2. That was wonderful Tanvee. Really liked the poem and the idea 🙂

  3. Beautiful composition. Nature’s description is amazing Very good Tanvee. Keep writing and enthralling us with your poetry