Top 24 Reads: Top Articles To Read In 2024

It’s the start of a new year, and a new beginning for one and all. There are several reasons why a new year is always special, and infinitely more reasons why this year is even more special, as it is the year of the infinite Force Multiplier! So, let us build a glorious future in 2024 by re-visiting the 24 top reads of the previous year, as we present the top articles based on the choice of our readers from 182 countries!
For your convenience, here is the list of these top 24 reads, categorized by genres in alphabetical order, rather than by readership. Click through on any of the headings to read more articles in the genre, or browse through all articles here.
In line with our approach of adopting and celebrating diversity, these articles have been written by a diverse range of authors, including students, artists, professionals, academicians, entrepreneurs, corporate executives and CEOs.
Top Articles by Genre
Art and Culture
Reading and learning about art and culture fosters empathy and broadens our understanding of diverse human experiences, which is essential for social cohesion and emotional intelligence. It also stimulates creativity and innovation by exposing us to a variety of perspectives and problem-solving approaches, driving progress in multiple fields.
Business and Finance
The top reads from business and finance reflect the diverse needs of the readers:
1. Stay updated with latest developments such as collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in 2023, also available on video)
2. Reflect on initiatives that have become mainstream such as implementation of GST)
3. Learn from entrepreneurs and start-up founders (through many episodes of Season 2 of our talk show, Unleash With FTEM – From The Experts Mouth, on YouTube, that focused on entrepreneurship.

Education and Learning
Since FTEM (From The Experts Mouth) is a platform that encourages learning through shared experiences, it comes as no surprise that we have the maximum articles in this list from the Education and Learning category.
Health and Wellness
We featured many articles on health and wellness by top and highly qualified doctors during the year, and most of these articles were very well received. Wishing you all good health, peaceful minds and great reads!
Perspectives from the alumni of the top business schools, and reflections on the iconic speech by Steve Jobs at Stanford, make it to the top list edging out several other insightful pieces on management.
Environment and Nature
The growing concerns around the environment and Mother Nature are reflected in the most read articles on our platform. All of these articles deal with the destructive forces of nature, albeit in very different ways – a poem, a thought provoking piece, and a scientific analysis by an architect make up this trio.
Self Improvement and Personal Development
This is another readers’ favorite category, that boasts of the maximum entries in this elite list.
The advice on not dwelling in the past was the most read piece throughout the year!
Last but not the least, here are the top reads that contributed to building a more cohesive and inclusive society
Beyond Top Articles: Keep Watching
In addition to all the articles, you can also check out our YouTube channel, that featured Season 2 of our Unleash With FTEM series, where we distilled several lessons in our conversation with entrepreneurs. The popular Psychology in 60 seconds, also continued to provide insights into the machinations of the human mind.
Keep Reading | Keep Writing
Thank you for your contributions that have helped our platform reach readers and learners across 182 countries. We hope you continue to read, write and spread the good word in 2024, the year that presents you with an infinite Force Multiplier potential.
Here are some links that you may find useful.
Keep Reading | Keep Writing