Home to Hostel

This poem, “Home to Hostel” captures my thoughts at a time when I had to leave the comfort of my house to fulfill my dreams after getting admission to a B-School. One part of me was pleased as I was going ahead with my aim and ambition in life. But another part of me was emotional about leaving home for the first time!
Home to Hostel
A little tensed, sitting on a desk, thinking of another phase..
Slowly realizing I had to leave my loved one’s place…
And still will not have to express my sad face…..
For nobody can ever take up my family’s special space..
Realizing that I was at my comfort getting every treasure
The wishes were fulfilled without even saying, for my pleasure
Lots of support, selfless love were showered to relieve me from pressure..
It is paining to leave! It’s acting as a depressor..
Mind and heart are fighting!
To mind learning and growing seem exciting!
But to the heart– at that little corner…while writing!
A sound which says- “You are gonna miss this place a lot” is shouting….
The place which you call your home!
And you get care of your father and love of mom..
But some inner voice then says be strong; you have to move on!
And again, in the battle of mind and heart, the former had won!
Quotes on going to hostel for the first time:
You can never go home again; but the truth is you can never leave home; so, it’s all right
– Maya Angelou, Author – Letter to my daughter
If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
– Dale Carnegie, Author – How to win friends and influence people
More…From The Students’ Mouth:
Management Related Reads:
Leaving home for hostel quotes
You see much more of your children once they leave home
– Lucille Ball, Lucille Who?…read the book Who was Lucille Ball
It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.
F Scott Fitzgerald, Author – The Great Gatsby
Do you want to read more quotes? Check out quotes used in various articles in our compilation of Fantastic Quotes

About The Author
Diksha is currently pursuing her masters in management at IIM Udaipur.
Born and brought up in the State of Punjab in India, she loves to meet and greet people. Known for her smile, she is very ambitious and loves to write.
More Poems at From The Experts Mouth
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Watch these videos on related themes – Soch: an article writing competition at IIT Kanpur in association with From The Experts Mouth that illuminates the evolved thinking (Soch) of the youth; how the power of curiosity took a student to international platforms such as Harvard; and a poem on Wrath of Mother Earth, warning us not to mess with the planet. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more.
Lovely poem , Diksha ! Very well expressed !
Can relate to my times when I had to leave my family ( home ) to live in hostel !
But I guess it helped me grew independent , taking own decisions , working over circumstances !!
Very true, Pratishtha. Its just like birds have to leave their nest to learn to fly!!