When you talk about your dreams…

When You Talk About Your Dreams – A Poem By Tanvee Maheshwari
When you talk about your dreams, you light up. And the sparkle is seen in your eyes - That envision the dream. In the mind that is full to the brim, Bursting with ideas, Yearning to make it a reality. In the heart that longs to achieve it, In the hands that rise to build it, In the feet that walk miles to accomplish it. And in the body that would withstand; Any storm To see it happen; Or, the light will be seen in your soul, Burning holes in the spirit; For not having done what it should have. In the mind, filled with thoughts of what could have been, In the heart, filled with sorrow and resentment, In the hands, worn out doing something they weren’t meant to. In the feet, having forever walked on the wrong path, And in the body, wearied of carrying around the regret. Either way, my friend, when you talk about your dreams, you’ll light up.
Talk about your dreams
In life, we all have dreams, aspirations and ambitions. There are things we want to accomplish, businesses we want to start, habits we want to adopt, vices we want to quit, people we want to connect with and so on. In fact, what is life if not a continuous cycle of having and fulfilling desires?
Yet, most of us chicken out when it comes to actually getting up and pursuing our dreams. We leave so many things unsaid, dreams not pursued, opportunities missed and goals unaccomplished.
Why do we stop talking about our dreams?
Are we too scared of failure- scared that we are too inexperienced, too unacquainted, not good enough, or worst of all; that it will take too long?
Dreams come true when desire transforms into concrete actions.
Napoleon Hill
Well guess what? You are inexperienced because you’ve never taken the chance. You will eventually become knowledgeable with time but you got to get started first. There is no return without risk. And nobody is born with all the required knowledge, talent and know how. Everybody learns by doing. Time will continue to pass whether we spend it hustling to make our dreams a reality or waste it doing things we weren’t meant to do, and aren’t passionate about.
Related: Action is the prescription to overcome confusion
How To Give Wings To Your Dreams?
Success doesn’t come from being in the comfort zone, and neither does growth.
“We are told that talent creates opportunity, yet it is desire that creates talent.”
Bruce Lee
How will you ever know what could have been if you don’t try? So what if it doesn’t work out? What’s the worst that could happen? You owe it to yourself to at least give it a shot. You will have gained invaluable experience and knowledge.
Change your perception and give your desires, wings of action. Besides, if you never even try, you will live in resentment and regret for the rest of your life. The things we end up regretting in life are not the things we did, but rather the things we didn’t. A life full of guilt and sorrow is definitely not a happy life, and taking a risk is a small price to pay to avoid that.
Overcoming your hesitation is the best thing you will ever do for yourself. Remember, it is never too late to go after what you want. All you need to succeed in life is confidence, conviction and consistency.
Editor’s Note:
You may also want to read about how Uncertainty Should Ignite Creativity and Not Complacency, how to use perception to create a platform for innovation and fuel evolution and also about about how “we can use Affirmations to boost self-esteem, build up confidence, and create a more fulfilling and rapturous life for our self, day by day” by Tanvee Maheshwari. You can also read one of her other poems, about the Wrath of Mother Earth.

About The Author
As a create-a-preneur, Tanvee Maheshwari is passionate about creating and sharing knowledge that helps people align with their innate potential.
She enjoys learning and honing her skills across diverse domains, including Psychology, Public Speaking and Entrepreneurship. She is also a budding Voice Over Artist and Content Creator.
Good idea, we should speak out
You struck the nail on the head. We often hold back from talking about our dreams because of our fears thereby not even trying to achieve it.
The article rightly mentions that dreams come true only when desires transform into concrete actions.
The journey of success truly begins with a dream. A well penned poem.
Very beautifully penned thoughts.
Change brings discomfort,
Discomfort leads to learning,
Learning yields growth,
Growth brings Success
Beautiful Poem Tanvee!!!
Life begins AT THE END of your COMFORT ZONE !