The PIE Effect of Relationships

The PIE Effect of Relationships
Good or Bad… what do you think defines this facet of a relationship?? I would say it all sums up in 3 words – Perception – Illusion – Expectation; to make it delectable let’s say the PIE Effect of relationships!!
Listen to the audio narration of The PIE Effect of Relationships:
Audio Narration By Tanvee Maheshwari
At the start of a relationship, we bask in the glory of its freshness, its newness… like the tempting aroma of a cake just out of the oven, inviting you to break free from the monotony of conventional daily meal. Now if you had witnessed this savory baking in a luringly shot video, you certainly would have visualized the outcome of your creation – the EXPECTATION- as a certain product similar to that in the video – but alas, the key is similar and not the same. And that’s where PERCEPTION had come knocking with ILLUSION in tow. Confusing?? Let’s dissect this some more with our cake analogy…
You had a certain perception of how your cake would turn out to be and the failure to bake the same as that in the video, in your pessimism, suddenly spells doom, a waste of time and a waste of energy. The urge to discard the dish without tasting even a teeny bit or any impending prospects of retrying the bake process go under threat.
An optimistic view of the perception on the other hand could be to overlook the illusive character, look at the attempt as a trial, evaluate the taste this time round and be more ready with the faith that the next time will be a happy turn of events. Giving up, however, may be a consequence of more than a few unsuccessful trials.
Illusion of a perfect state in both scenarios keeps one in its grip, the abandonment one feels is almost personified as entrapment – paradoxically leaving one in the absolute quicksand that strengthens the belief that no matter how hard I try, my actions will never be victorious.
So, is giving up on our relationships, if they don’t meet the parameters set by society, the only answer? Do we embrace the disappointment, after all we did try?
Perception – our awareness of the consciousness through our senses – could be our sole savior as long as we are ready to let go the distortion of “illusion”. The beauty, that you saw, in the video in fact did ignite the spark to try on that new recipe – don’t let your overwhelming extreme expectations mar the transition you started with passion and perseverance. In all your endeavors and so in your relationships be compassionate with your self and learn to appreciate the effort invested… it might not look or taste as appetizing as it looked like in the video but it’s yours and hence most definitely worth the go!!
Related Book: If you are intrigued by this concept, read The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

About The Author
Dr Parul Kohli has a Masters in Psychology and is a Ph.D in Education. She is currently a professor. Being an educational psychologist she also conducts workshops with teachers and parents to change their perspective on teaching and upbringing.
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Loved the concept of the PIE effect…it is so true
Of course there will be ups and downs again – like there are in every relationship
But with understanding and action it is POSSIBLE to repair what seems irreparable at first.
Very nicely drafted article .Expectations do sometimes depends upon our own interpretation .
A unique perspective. Yearning to read more from you.
Beautifully written, Dr Parul
It is absolutely relatable, loved reading it.
Glad u relate to it.
Beautifully explained dear Dr Parul….many congrations
Thank you for ur appreciation.
The perception, illusion and expectation is one side of it .The realisation of its truth and it’s acceptance ensures it to become a part of your reality.
Now… that again is an interesting perception
Very well written script. M highly touched.
Keep it up. God bless u.
A difficult subject, handled professionally.
Thank you for ur appreciation. Coming from a veteran like yourself who has seen it all, it means a world.
Well expressed.keep it up dear Parul.
Gratitude for your kind words.
Good show Parul . Very well written and explained . Keep it up .
Thank you