Childhood Remembered in Manipur

The Backdrop: Ukhrul, Manipur
“Childhood Remembered in Manipur” is a poem influenced by the growing up years of Sareo Leiyachon in Ukhrul, a district in Manipur, India. Manipur, as a state known for its diverse communities and its resulting differences, has its history filled with violence and trauma. This trauma becomes a part of their lives and different people have different take on trauma. This poem about Ukhrul presents Sareo’s take on the events and shows us that our attitude and reaction to events around us is equally, if not, more important than the events themselves.
Childhood Remembered in Manipur
It was my birthday, and I was crouching
Under the bed, my whole family was crouching.
I was hungry but we could still hear the gunshots,
The cold chicken, and rice stared at me from their pots.
Did I sleep that night? Did the town? I do not remember.
But, the doves will never return again, ever.
Neither in summer nor in autumn nor in winter nor in spring.
Only the perpetual rain pours and drowns everything.
And, I was only four.
It was hot, and we were walking in two single files.
Someone had died, some patriot killed miles
Away from home in an ambush. Yet, I did not
Recall his or her name. I have lost count, to note.
Just like I can’t recall the number of rallies and strikes.
When will the noise stop? The voices from the mics…
The smell of kerosene emanates from my mother’s torch
While I worry about my kid brothers who are waiting for us under the porch.
I am older, but still too young to comprehend.
Now, I see a bigger painting of the world.
A painting ageing with time yet the world
Remains young and corrupted. Agonising pain
Nullifying another pain, that is how we gain.
A dose of the mythical golden fleece to purge the toxin,
A drop of philtre to redeem us from all the sins,
And, a philosopher’s stone to make amends.
Is it too much to ask? Yet, too far, we also went.
I am much older now but I still remain clueless.
Despair seems to close in on us from all directions
Yet these few moments of joys make this life worth living after all.
From The Editor’s Mouth: Did You Know?
Adversity can potentially bring out the best in us. Novak Djokovic, one of the greatest tennis players of all time, had a tough childhood while growing in Serbia (then part of Yugoslavia). His mental toughness is legendary in the tennis circuit and he owes it to his rough childhood experiences. You can draw upon some leadership lessons from Djokovic .

About The Author
Sareo Leiyachon, goes by the pen name Froggo. As you already know, she is from Ukhrul, Manipur and is a teacher in her hometown. She has been writing poetry since her college days now prefers wiring short quotes on her perspective on life.
She is a Romantic, and most of her poetry is written on the themes of nature and based on her hometown, Ukhrul. She has also written three web-novels so far and dreams of writing more.
A poetic verse, and an all so pure story of the own environment. This was how we all grew up. And being let known poetically, rather than political, is so appealing.