Resisting Temptation: “SHE” – Poem about a Game Changer

Resisting Temptation – A Game Changer
I met a tragic incident in my early life and as I don’t consider it a tragedy anymore, let’s call it “A game-changer.” The “14 years old me” was forced to make difficult choices, resisting temptation. The bad wolf within i.e. the selfish side, was attacking the good wolf, the helpful-jolly side within. This poem is inspired by those moments of struggle where I made some firm decisions. I chose what was suitable for me at the moment, but I also chose to let loose some connections. Ultimately, the good wolf won, but SHE -The bad wolf, will “She“ ever understand? Let’s Find out!
SHE – Poem by Shimona Shriya
This poem is dedicated to all the young women. It emphasizes that the decisions that are favorable for you are not always the ones that are suitable or acceptable to everyone around. Howsoever great the temptations in life to take the easy route to get accepted by others, one needs to resist and make some hard choices in one’s own interest.
She will never know, The One who prayed for her for real, Was the one in the mirror, The one she saw every day! For, She was too innocent, Too young to know; What The One thought, Always was in her favor. Ah! For She will never know, The confusion that caused her so much pain, Was meant to be that way by design. To make her bolder when She gets older! She did her best to not let them go, Did so much and let them expect, For She did not know. Alas! there were no exception to the expectations. She just craved for some freedom, Some affinity and affection. Just how She craved for a connection. A connection that laid outside. For She was young and; The One in the mirror knew better - The One saw her 'struggles' Her battles...her love...her pain...her games. Quietly did The One, Work her way through, For they were to truly be one, To be united one day! Years later She knows now, It was her all along. For nothing laid outside, Within was the one that belonged! The One in the mirror, Was her resilience and her strength. The one that kept afire, The flame of pure intent.
Grey Matter and Shades of Grey
The poem reflects on how our mind has certain grey areas. The area which holds the details of things that are neither entirely black (Wrong/Negative) nor completely white (Right/Positive).
In situations like a tragic accident, a shattering heartbreak and such other incidents in life that materialize our deeply held fears; we are forced to come face to face with these grey areas. These are the times when our righteousness is tested. A phase of resisting external temptations. A battle between the good wolf and bad wolf within.
In my case, it was a massive loss! The loss of a significant person in my life. Death is many things but top of the list – it is “A game changer”!
Resisting Temptation – My Game Changer Moments
I encountered many alluring things that make teenagers feel “cool”. My peers tried to force me into bad habits in the form of reckless behavior – smoking, drinking, indulging in wild bike races, body shaming, blindly copying the trend irrespective of whether it is right or wrong, etc. The new school had a rather “Cool” environment relative to what I had earlier known school for. However, irrespective of the temptations – my good wolf (the sane and righteous side of me) was full of light and resilience and kept me on the right track.
Related Read: How To Deal With Adversity
Got pleasing scores in my 10th grade exams. Pleasing because they were as per social norms. I made a few good relations. I was tempted to stay connected with some people, but I realized that my focus had to be on me, which required me to give up on some of these relations.
My stability and well-being were important to me. I chose the ones who kept me stable and cut loose some who would have misled me. In the end the good wolf within won and I was successful at resisting temptation.

About The Author
Shimona Shriya is currently pursuing PhD from IIM Bodh Gaya. She has almost three and a half years of corporate experience. She graduated from BIT, Mesra in 2016.
Shimona likes to express her thoughts in written form for further exploration of “Who she really is”. Words are an inexhaustible source of magic to her. She strongly believes in building resilience and attitude of gratitude.
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I love the insights being shared by people
wow…the poem has left me in deep thought!
“Years later She knows now,
It was her all along.
For nothing laid outside,
Within was the one that belonged!”
I’m speechless. Pausing a moment to look within n what we are doing to the ‘self’ is vital.
I am happily surprised to see the level of understanding and depth in thoughts in the poems of Shimona ! God Bless You : I a your Mama (uncle) from Motihari !!
Thank you mama 🙂
Dedicated to all “She” who all walked a long paths in good or bad deed, poem tells a lot about her or might be many more same so would like more to hear in upcoming days.
I’ll pray you may succeed and move towards a good path and will share the same thoughts.
The poem tells what today’s generation needs to understand. This poem focuses on self-improvement which resonates with me.
You touched on an important topic and it is necessary for everyone to understand this.
Very nice ..first with a hit already..
The subject seems to be delicate yet powerful..