Momentum during 2020 – Year in Review #7

I hope you enjoyed the earlier posts of this series, Year In Review 2020 – 20 Lessons for 2021. I have saved something special for this 7th post of the series. The number 7 is associated with luck. Very often, we find that people are going through a purple patch. It appears that they have the Midas touch and everything they touch turns into gold. They seem to be unstoppable. Although it appears that Lady Luck is playing its part, but there are other forces in motion. Let us examine the role played by momentum during 2020.
But, before that, let us arrive at a shared understanding of momentum.
What is Momentum?
Momentum can be interpreted in various ways, but each of them conveys a similar meaning. The first definition of Momentum is from the field of Physics, where Momentum = Mass * Velocity, i.e. the quantity of motion of a moving body. This term also finds use in the fields of Finance and Economics. Examples that come to mind are momentum indicators used in Technical Analysis of stock and commodities markets. If you buy and sell based on these indicators, you would be indulging in Momentum Investing.
The above uses of momentum are in consonance with the general understanding of it being a driving force or impetus gained by a movement of a person or an object. You can keep any of these definitions at the back of your mind as we examine the role played by momentum during 2020.
Momentum In Our Lives
As part of this Year in Review, I am not talking about momentum in a technical or an economic sense. I am referring to the invisible forces that seem to dictate the current phase of our life.
There are phases in our lives when everything seems to magically fall into place and one thing keeps leading to another, with no signs of stopping. Desirable events keep moving us forward and the snowball quickly turns into an avalanche. We believe that we can surf the largest of waves, even if a tsunami comes our way! Let us call this the “Phase of High Momentum”.
Imagine another phase of life at the other extreme. We encounter phases where our mind plays tricks with us and leads us to inaction. External forces seem to conspire to put a spanner in the works. Every time we take one step forward, forces seem to be pushing us two steps back. There seems to be an overall preference to do nothing, i.e. to remain in a state of inertia. Let us call this the “Phase of Inertia”.
Momentum During 2020
As we wind down 2020 and step into 2021, let us examine the state of our momentum during 2020. It is certainly possible that we may be passing through a Phase of High Momentum with respect to certain aspects of our life. Simultaneously, we could be passing through a Phase of Inertia in some other aspects of our life.
For instance, we may be running after career goals and things seem to be moving at break-neck speed. However, despite our best intentions, we are just not able to get our fitness regime on track. Nor are we able to stick to our diet plans.
In order to relate to these concepts, I urge you to think of two broad areas or aspects of your life. Ideally, the first area is where you are passing through a Phase of Inertia and the second one is where a lot seems to be happening in your life currently.
Phase of Inertia
Lets first deal with the Phase of Inertia, before we address the Phase of High Momentum during 2020. There is a high probability that one of the aspects of your life entered the Phase of Inertia or Low Momentum during March this year.
In one of my recent posts, I wrote about how the worldwide Google Searches for “Artificial Intelligence” had dropped drastically in March 2020. At the same time, the searches for “Digital” increased significantly, as there was acceleration of digital transformation. Imagine you had shifted your focus from AI projects to digitalization initiatives to support remote working in March. It may have been difficult for you to get the AI projects back on your radar once the momentum was lost.
Or, let us presume that you had settled into a nice rhythm of going to the neighborhood gym before March. All of a sudden, the lock down forced you indoors. The momentum was completely lost. Even though you could have continued with some form of exercises at home, you did not realize in March that this phase would continue for so long. Once again, the momentum was lost.
In both the above examples, the key question is whether you have regained your momentum. If not, then why not? And if you did gain the momentum, what did it take to achieve this? Did it not take so much more conscious effort and will power, just to get yourself to do what you were doing so effortlessly before March 2020?
The Magic of Momentum
As you review the turn of events during the past year, you can visualize the forces of momentum during 2020. And, that is the magic of momentum. Once you are in a Phase of High Momentum, it is taken for granted. Because things move effortlessly, we tend to discount the accomplishments during this phase. We begin to feel that since we can do something effortlessly right now, we can repeat this anytime in the future.
Logically, this should be correct. However, practically it is not. You can revisit your own examples from a Phase of Inertia and compare it to the more ‘happening times’ in your lives and you will realize this for yourself.
The answer lies in the driving force of momentum.
Momentum During 2020
Since the pandemic has disrupted pretty much every aspect of our lives, the magic of momentum has been crushed in one fell swoop. As we look back at the year of the pandemic and the forces of momentum during 2020, one thing is very clear. We somehow need to get back to the Phase of High Momentum in so many different aspects of our lives.
And, it is not turning out to be easy.
Well, the laws of physics, and the laws of nature and the laws of economics are all at play. It is certainly going to take extra effort just to get things moving. But once we get back the momentum, it will be another avalanche of excitement.
Momentum in 2021
One final word, when it comes to momentum in our daily lives. We usually do not fall into one of the two extremes that I have pictured above. Typically we find ourselves somewhere in between the Phase of Inertia and the Phase of High Momentum. The trick is to ensure that we keep moving up the scale of momentum. One of the key lessons that I have learnt in life is that once you have a bit of momentum on your side, be sure to never never never, ever lose momentum.
On that note, hope you have a monumental, momentous and momentum filled year ahead. Keep moving, because movement is everything!
Year In Review 2020
Check out the master article for the Year in Review 2020 that contains links to all the other posts in the series. Also, bookmark the master article on the browser to read more about each of the 20 thoughts from 2020 and lessons for 2021.

About The Author
Rajiv Maheshwari is a business and start-up advisor, and the co-founder of From The Experts Mouth. He is a management professional with over 25 years of experience, and worked as CEO for a decade, and in leadership roles with NYSE listed companies such as Accenture and WNS.
He is a Chartered Accountant and MBA (Director’s Merit List from IIM Bangalore) and an autodidact, who is on the path of self-directed life long learning and sharing. He is a thought leader, author and keynote speaker and has developed several frameworks to bridge the gap between academia and industry.