Education System for Human Evolution | Mechanization and Alternative Disruption

Education System: Enabling Human Evolution
Through centuries of human evolution, the education system has been a crucial tool for preparing generations for the working of the world. Education is the tool that aids evolution. It is an enabler that empowers humanity to thrive in the ever-dynamic world where business and society both require stakeholders that are highly skilled and well-equipped to cope with challenges.
For an instrument to realize its objective, it is important for that instrument to be properly conditioned for its goal. For example, an axe is used to cut a tree. The tool needs to be capable i.e., sharp and durable and should have the ideal design, material and structure to suit the purpose and for any new challenges, such as chopping, splitting, chipping, and piercing, it should be highly adaptable. Similarly, to carve out generations that are resilient and forward-thinking, our current education system must adapt to change.
History of Human evolution
The human race considers itself to be “evolved” from other species, which is not true. A general notion embedded in the subconscious minds of the human race is that it is only the human species that ever existed in the history of human evolution. This is partially due to the wiring of the human brain to erase out the competitors, focus on survival and move on.
There were a significant number of human species racing towards evolution, i.e. homo sapiens and Neanderthals, just to name a few. With time, a few species faded out, by two theories, one to be a genocide by the surviving species, or two, which was a natural fading out of the entire species due to its incompetence to adapt and evolve to the upgraded version – both physical and intellectual.
Researchers in their analysis have said that the present human DNA may be of the Homo sapiens in its purity or a mixture of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. If the first theory is true, the Neanderthals were either killed due to genocide or they faded out due to the same reason the other extinct species did, that was incompetence or resistance to evolution, adaptation, and survival.
The present human race is the most evolved version of the species of itself, that went through ages of fighting wars, diseases, pandemics, challenges, and adaptations. Education helped human beings pass on the skills, techniques, and practices to the newer and more threat-prone generations.
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Alternative Disruption – Key to survival
Our education system was designed for generations to understand the working of the society and adapt to any new change. But, the question that arises is, “Is the education system adequate and competent enough to train the human race for the present and the future?” This question got answered as the 2019 Covid Pandemic unleashed its wrath across the world and a huge group of the human race was left grappling for survival as it had no skill to fight the unprecedented situation.
For instance, video conferencing-based teaching was newly introduced to the education system. A significant number of teaching staff and student groups was unable to perform to the best of their potential. This was a common observation across every profession. The pandemic stressed the importance of having digital skills in almost every field.
Vendors that couldn’t adapt to the digital change, by switching to the cashless mode of transactions, succumbed to the unprecedented socio-economic crisis while the ones that swiftly adapted to change by moving their business to an online platform and accepting digital payments, thrived. Similarly, professionals who were well-equipped and skilled outdid their counterparts who weren’t when the modus operandi of their work changed to remote.
The pandemic and the mindset of the population that successfully survived and thrived through the pandemic brought to the fore the following traits that proved crucial for survival:
1. Adaptability to newer ways, ideas, and perspectives; and
2. Strive for upskilling, growth with a curiosity-based mentality
The same traits must have been there at every stage of human evolution. In terms of health, skills, tactics, and intellect, the surviving species must have had these two qualities that played a huge role in their survival and succession.
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How can the Education System enable evolution?
The current education system is based on age-old textbook knowledge and has a similar standard of learning. Disciples of this system believe in learning merely to pass their examinations with scores that are approved by society. The issue arises when the learners face challenges where they need to apply life skills more than any knowledge ever gained via a curriculum that never embraced change. Skills that shape an individual into a top-notch professional, and enables them to thrive in the real world are unfortunately not imparted through the current education system.
The willingness of the individual and the dynamic creativity to pre-empt the needs of their career is crucial when it comes to self-help education. The transition from a procrastinating mindset and validation-based system to a skill-based holistic education system and a forward-thinking mindset would aid the human race to reach the next level of potential.
An ideal learning ecosystem would have subjects and skills such as communication skills, research and analytical skills, business and management skills, finance and investment, fitness and nutritional skills, and emotional intelligence. The National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020 is a stepping stone towards building a robust and all-encompassing educational system but we are far away from the potential to reach the next stage.
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Threats and theory
We are in the age of path-breaking technological developments such as nanobots, biohacking, Neuralink, and technologies that are enabling or are all set to make the once unfathomable feats such as virtual reality and interplanetary travel possible. There is a constant fear that in near future, technology would control humans to an extent that our individualities would fade. Biohacking enables people to hack their biology to make their bodies and brains function better!
To compete with such a genetically engineered population, the natural population requires lessons to adapt and develop a skill that will keep them ahead of their counterparts. The current education system based on memory may play a major role in subjecting the population to a similar fate as Neanderthals or other extinct human species.
The evolution of the human species would not occur based on memory and efficiency-powered systems. A system based on unique human brain-related skills, intellect, imagination, Emotional quotient, and creativity would aid the human race to survive through the new era and its technology. The new era needs adaptation and openness to change. Predispositions would be a major threat to human evolution.
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Growth through evolution and collaboration
Besides adapting to change and upskilling, another important element required for the system and the population to thrive is the idea of collaboration. At the point of evolution where the human race and its system would be transitioned from competitive to collaborative structures, the shell of resistance to change would break. Understanding, analyzing and developing habits to optimize the human intellect and its productivity should be the main aim of the structures. Authors, such as Yuval Noah Harari in 21 lessons of the 21st Century and Sapiens have thoroughly focused on structurization and engineering of the future of the human evolution, which if achieved, would be a game-changer in the history of humankind.
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About The Author
Saptak Pandya is a law student who is also pursuing a finance credential at IIT Delhi. He is an aficionado in diverse topics, from Business, Finance, Law, Economics, Technology, IT and innovations, AI, robotics, spirituality and books. He is a startup enthusiast, who likes to analyze business stories and is working on an NFT project on blockchain technology.
Apart from academic facets, Saptak is a musician, Martial Artist, and an avid baker!
Power of Curiosity
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Excellent piece..for me thinking about education and evolution