Executive Presence

Editor’s Note – Executive Presence:
Shital Kakkar Mehra is the author of ‘Executive Presence: The POISE formula for Leadership’ (Harper Collins), her second book. She has spent several hundred hours researching on Executive Presence. During this research, she has met with several business leaders from manufacturing and service industries, knowledge and professional services leaders, successful entrepreneurs and business owners. Further, she has also spoken extensively with HR and L&D (Learning & Development) specialists to gain a better understanding of the elusive ‘it’ factor required in a leader. Shital shares with us her insights about the world of leadership and the ‘Executive Presence‘ that makes some leaders shine brighter than their peers.
Why is Executive Presence Important?
‘Executive Presence’ is one of the most important factors that distinguish successful leaders from the rest of the pack. It was ranked No. 2 amongst twenty leadership traits and technology was ranked at the twelfth spot in the results of the 2013 Gartner CIO Survey. It is one of those intangible factors that propels the rise of so many leaders.
As per Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook:
Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.
Sheryl Sandberg
What is the meaning of Executive Presence?
Executive Presence is something that we admire in others and aspire to imbibe. Also known as Personal Presence or the ‘it’ factor, this is an intangible quality which is difficult to define. However, it is a must-have trait in all leaders, be it in business or in the political leaders across the world.
A look around and we may find ourselves surrounded by many with the ‘it’ factor –
In cricket, Sachin Tendulkar has ‘it’, football greats Pele and Zidane display ‘it’, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs embodied ‘it’ and most world leaders have ‘it’ in abundance.
Shital Kakkar Mehra
What are the Leadership traits required?
Today’s world is highly competitive and requires a response that draws upon more than just the technical competencies of a business leader. A calibrated response in stressful times, is a leadership skill which inspires trust. One is not only required to have in-depth knowledge but also an ability to articulate and deliver an engaging message confidently. A message in line with your company’s value system is what one needs.
Corporate ladder vs Climbing a mountain
A lot of people aiming to climb the Mount Everest are able to make it to the base camp. Many of them, though, are unable to proceed further. Fitness training, willpower and motivation are the skills needed to reach the base camp. The skill set required to climb the mountain are drastically different from the ones that got them this far! Adequate lung capacity to tolerate and operate in rarefied atmosphere and experience is what counts in the climb beyond the base camp trek.
Similarly, in the corporate world, most people make it to the base camp, some at the age of thirty-five, some at forty and others at forty-five, depending on their industry. However, most are unable to get beyond it. They are unable to adapt to the change in the skill-set needed.
Earlier, it was a combination of technical skills and intellectual skills and now it’s a combination of physical, online, influencer, communication and engagement skills. These skills are what can be termed as Leadership Presence or Executive Presence. Lacking these essential skills is a roadblock for potential leaders to climb higher.
Remember, the leadership funnel is very sharp at the top and your Executive Presence is your competitive edge!
Shital Kakkar Mehra
How to communicate Leadership Presence?
Executive Presence is an influential dimension that is well understood and made use of by leaders.
Communication is made up of both verbal and non-verbal components. It is important to know how to use both effectively. Integrating the two gives a powerful signal to the audience about one’s confidence and capability.
This skill is also necessary for creating a powerful impact when interacting with clients, board members, teams and shareholders.
When is Executive Presence important?
Executive Presence is important when you:
- Meet with prominent clients and important prospects
- Communicate with internal teams sitting in different parts of the world
- Work with stakeholders to get buy-in for your ideas
- Increase your internal and external visibility at public forums and networking events
- Present your company to the shareholders, investors and media
Today, companies in India have grown several fold. They are talking about succession planning, developing leadership talent, bridging the skill-gap, and about executive presence. While these topics have been spoken about in corporate corridors, today’s leadership programs have started giving it the appropriate importance.
Every organization and leader desires that their ‘star-performers’ develop and improve their Executive Presence. Even the star performers have taken it up on a war footing by seeking out avenues to develop these skills.
My research – The Hidden Iceberg
In my quest to research and understand Executive Presence, I realized that it means different things to different people. However, the most common word used to define it was ‘aura’. Appearance and a commanding body language are the visible parts of this iceberg.
A deeper probing, though, would uncover words like communication, courage to speak up, confidence, executive maturity and the ‘ability to get the contract’. Interestingly, words like humility, passion, energy, credibility, taking ownership started creeping in too. Another mysterious trait pointed to by many was ‘you know it when you see it’.
Is it possible to build Executive Presence?
It’s important to note that Executive Presence can be developed through a combination of self-awareness and coaching. In other words, you can learn to be a leader who can influence, inspire and motivate those around you. It is possible to build Executive Presence because it’s a skill and not a trait. Once you build an awareness of your strengths and gaps, you can get coached on your shortcomings.
My research on the importance of the “it” factor affirms the importance of Executive Presence as an integral part of leadership. It offers a competitive edge, regardless of your industry or role. As billionaire Warren Buffet famously remarked that his number one tip for success is:
Invest in yourself.
Warren Buffett
How to build Executive Presence?
After researching for over two decades, I have come up with a proprietary formula for assessing and developing executive presence – POISE. The following components are required to build executive presence:
P – Physical Presence
Build up your body language skills focusing on your gestures, eye contact etc. Body language includes bodily movements, posture, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact and attire.
O – Online Presence
Build your online global personal brand, your digital profile and your virtual interaction skills.
I – Influencer Presence
Mastering the executive maturity and the ability to speak up, influence and exhibit your presence in a large audience.
S – Stage Presence
Developing effective public speaking skills
E – Engagement Presence
Connecting to people and building a strong and diverse network.

About The Author
Shital Kakkar Mehra is an acclaimed public speaker and a best-selling author. She has authored two books: Business Etiquette: A Guide for the Indian Professional (Harper Collins) and Executive Presence: The POISE formula for Leadership (Harper Collins).
She is India’s leading Executive Presence Coach for CEOs and has over two decades of experience. Moreover, she is an active philanthropist, an avid reader and a passionate traveler.
Shital embraces opportunities to observe cross-cultural communication and learn from cultural diversity, both of which serve as a bridge between her work and hobbies.
Thanks for sharing…these aspects of career progression are often ignored by a lot of talented people who do not get their due
Very relevant points, executive presence is critical for growth at senior levels
Thanks for sharing your research with us. Love the helpful tips.
Very relevant for anyone aspiring to climb the corporate ladder