Circle Of Kindness

Completing the Circle of Kindness
Do you know what the circle of kindness is? Do you know how to complete this circle to enhance your life and the lives of others? Why is it that we find it easy and satisfying to give? And, why do we find it difficult to receive with humility and gratitude? Let me show you why and how to complete the circle of kindness.
Kindness we all know is something important and powerful. We talk about random acts of kindness and even share posts about being kind. There is even a world kindness day! You know the power of being or showing kindness to others but what about receiving kindness?
Receiving kindness is where so many of us struggle. We like giving, but receiving makes us feel weak and sometimes hurts our pride too. We feel the need to pay back. However, the truth is receiving is just as important as giving. The circle of kindness is complete when both giver and receiver feel the benefits’.
Watch this short video where I talk about completing the circle of kindness.
Kindness – Random and Intentional
Doing something because someone is in need, is wonderful and we should continue with these random acts of kindness. However, I would prefer kindness to be intentional rather than random. Passing kindness forward and making kindness move forward is also an amazingly wonderful thing to do.
However, let us talk about completing the Circle of Kindness.
How to Receive with humility and gratitude?
Kindness isn’t complete until it’s completely in circle. Giving is often, so easy. When you give, you feel good, don’t you? You are happy to empower the other person and that makes you feel good.
But, receiving challenges our pride. So, let us talk about the power of receiving kindness. When you receive with humility and gratitude, you help complete the circle of kindness. If you don’t receive with humility and gratitude, you take away some one’s joy of giving.
However, we often can’t do this, because receiving makes us feel weak or it takes away our pride. We somehow feel ‘less’.
But, the exact opposite is true. Receiving takes strength and energy. Receiving takes humility. When we receive gifts and allow others to be kind to us, we then complete the circle. We get something we wanted and allow the other person to experience the joy, satisfaction and blessings of the gift they give us.
Putting the Circle of Kindness in action
So, the next time when someone wants to do something nice for you, remember this. By receiving with humility and gratitude, you are actually completing the circle of kindness. So, continue to give and to be kind. But, when someone wants to be kind to you, allow that to happen. Be humble and be gracious. Let’s work on Full Circle Kindness – both giving and receiving!
Editor’s Note:
There is a ton of content out there extolling the virtues of giving. But, what about receiving kindness with gratitude? And, what do we need to do to complete the circle of kindness? In a bid to answer these questions, Google shows few Featured Snippets from this article in it’s Search results.

About The Author
Steve Donofrio is a former non-commissioned officer (NCO), US Army. He utilizes his past experiences spanning over two decades in his current avatar as an international motivational speaker to groom leaders. He has been featured as a subject matter expert on several platforms in three Continents.
Steve is passionate about uniting people in harmony and inspiring them to take action. With a repertoire of real-world missions, he understands the phrase “leaders eat last”. He knows that leadership is about serving first. Steve strongly believes that the true measure of a leader is defined by the actions and accomplishments of those they influence.
Be kind. Be kind to yourself too. You never know who might need it.
Good morning! Thank you, Steve! Let’s create something positive, kind and uplifting! Have a wonderful day everyone.
Kindness can be by listening to a person who is deeply upset. No judgement. No fixes. No advice. Just unconditional love. Similarly learn to accept talking aloud about your worries and upset too!(Receiving Kindness)
Very fresh take on how Accepting kindness is as important as being kind to someone .Receiving with humility and gratitude is as much part of kindness as giving is . It doesn’t really make us less in-fact it makes us more human and helps us complete the circle of kindness which is important for any society and people around us. We could always pay it forward instead of returning it .
❤️ In the book “Words That Hurt, Words That Heal.” the author said we should ask ourselves 3 questions before saying something:
– Is it kind?
– Is it true?
– Is it necessary?
We should learn to use and listen to words that heal too.
Kindness makes the world a better place
Well written
How beautifully explained! Many of us have undervalued the fact that recieving is as important as giving. Where giving fetches us a sense of pride but also at times a very strong feeling that we are the blessed ones and thus superior, receiving teaches us that we may not have everything at all times and that no life is perfect. Keeps us connected to our roots and humble towards each other. Thank you, Sir Steve Donofrio ..this perspective was much needed for those who are too full of themselves as also for those who think they do not deserve generosity. .
Thank you for your comment. I agree receiving does keep up humble towards one another. When we do that we can work together in harmony and unity. That is when we start to solve problems like hunger, poverty, climate change etc.