Entrepreneurship Index: Measure your entrepreneurial potential

Entrepreneurship Index - Measure your entrepreneurial potential

Entrepreneurship Index: The Background

There are a large number of entrepreneurs in society, and a much larger number of aspiring entrepreneurs, who are keen to launch their own start-up. I interact regularly with start-up founders and people aspiring to join the entrepreneurial bandwagon. During these interactions, I have seen a lot of people take up entrepreneurship for the wrong reasons, and hence, I have created an Entrepreneurship Index to help people measure and assess their entrepreneurial potential.

Questions about Entrepreneurship

I have been speaking and sharing my thoughts around entrepreneurship at various platforms, and receive several questions about it from the audience. When the audience consists of university students or people sitting on the fence in their entrepreneurial journey, most of the questions are around two broad themes – how to launch your start-up and how to assess one’s own entrepreneurial potential.

So, let me address both of these broad themes in this post, and also share a tool that can help you measure your Entrepreneurship Index.

How to get started with entrepreneurship?

The first step in getting started is to acquire basic knowledge about business and the start-up ecosystem, in addition to knowing enough about the problem that you are trying to solve.

Here is a video that I had published recently on my YouTube channel, that demystifies and explains start-up and business terms in simple language, along with implications of some key terms. This video was as a part of my 22 episode Year In Review of 2022. You can browse the playlist with all episodes here, as it contains few more videos around the topics of careers and money.

Entrepreneurship Index

During my stint as a business and start-up advisor, I have interacted with many start-up founders. I have found many of them struggling without proper advice and mentorship. Some of them do not have the entrepreneurial mindset and quotient, while others do not have the business experience to create a robust business around their idea. So, I thought of distilling these observations into a survey, with the idea of creating an entrepreneurship index.

So, without further ado, here is the Entrepreneurship Index Survey that you can fill up. You will get an email notification immediately upon submission with a record of your responses, and the report with the index will follow in due course, as I am currently in the process of validating and testing the index.

As a token of gratitude to the early adopters of this Index survey, the initial participants will get a discounted rate on some of the courses and mastermind groups that I will be launching on this platform shortly. So, go ahead and turbo charge your entrepreneurial journey with the survey below. Scroll right to the end, as there are more relevant links towards the end of this post.

Share the Entrepreneurship Index with your network too:

More Resources around Start-up and Entrepreneurship

Watch many more episodes from the talk show series, Unleash With FTEM on this playlist and subscribe to YouTube channel for more.

Resources around Careers and Money

Watch these episodes related to career management and making money and subscribe to Rajiv Maheshwari’s YouTube channel to receive more information and guidance around the start-up and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Rajiv Maheshwari - From The Experts Mouth
Rajiv Maheshwari

About The Author

Rajiv Maheshwari is a business and start-up advisor, and the co-founder of From The Experts Mouth. He is a management professional with over 25 years of experience, and worked as CEO for a decade, and in leadership roles with NYSE listed companies such as Accenture and WNS.

He is a Chartered Accountant and MBA (Director’s Merit List from IIM Bangalore) and an autodidact, who is on the path of self-directed life long learning and sharing. He is a thought leader, author and keynote speaker and has developed several frameworks to bridge the gap between academia and industry.

Entrepreneurship Related Reads

Books about Start-up and Entrepreneurship

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